2 Corinthians 9

The Word Made Fresh

1But there is no need for me to tell you about this ministry to the believers. 2I know that you are eager to take part. That’s why I boasted about you to the Macedonians, and told them that Achaia has been ready for a year now, and your excitement has excited most of them. 3But I am sending these brothers so that our bragging about you might not prove to be empty words, and you will be ready as I told them you would be. 4Otherwise, if some of the Macedonians come with me and we learn that you are not ready, we would be embarrassed, and so would you. 5That is why I have sent them on to you so they could arrange for this gift you have promised. Then it might be ready as gift given voluntarily instead of grudgingly.

6The point is that whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the one who sows much will reap much. 7So, each of you should give as you have decided so that you won’t have to give grudgingly. God loves a cheerful giver, 8and will provide you with abundant blessings so you will always have enough of everything and be able to richly share in good works. 9It is written, “He scatters freely and gives to the poor, and his righteousness lasts forever.” 10The one who provides seed to the one who sows and provides bread for the hungry will surely give you enough seed for sowing, and the harvest that comes from your giving spirit will be increased. 11You will be blessed over and over again for your generosity, and we will give thanks to God 12because our ministry will have supplied the needs of the saints and thanksgivings to God will overflow. 13Your ministry is to confess the good news of Christ and glorify God, and you do that when you share generously with others. 14Truly they long for you and pray for you because God’s grace has been given to you. 15Thanks be to God for this incredible gift!


1-5: Just in case they’re not motivated enough, Paul adds a little additional motivation: he has bragged about them to the folks at Macedonia, and he may bring some of the Macedonians with him to Corinth to witness their generosity firsthand! So, he sends Titus and the others to make sure their offering is ready before Paul gets there.

6-9: Moreover, he reminds them, generosity and abundance go hand in hand. I have to wonder if Paul is recalling what his friend Luke records as a saying of Jesus, that the “the measure you give will be the measure you get back” (Luke 6:38). Paul backs up his assertion with the bold claim that “God loves a cheerful giver.” God provides so that we can give to others, so that through us God provides for them, too. The quote in verse 9 may be from Psalm 112:9.

10-15: Paul’s theology of generosity is based on a simple fact of nature: God provides the seed. We may keep it for ourselves (eat it) or give it away (sow it in the field). The portion we give away is returned to us many times over in the harvest that follows. It is indeed an indescribable gift. Thanks be to God!


And when you give an offering, give it in faith, not duty.