The Word Made Fresh
1I, Paul, beg you meekly and gently as would Christ. I am humbled in your presence, but speak boldly to you when I’m away. 2When I’m there I wish to not have to be bold, nor dare to oppose those who think we are behaving according to our personal expectations. 3Yes, we do have personal expectations, but we’re not going to argue about that. 4The means we have at our disposal are not merely human, but are led by divine power to topple human desires. So, we try to counter arguments 5and displays of pride that go against the knowledge of God. We try to think only of how to obey Christ. 6Yes, we are prepared to punish those disobedient among you who are obedient.
7Pay attention, then, and look closely. If you’re sure you belong to Christ, then be reminded that we are as well. 8Yes, I may brag a bit about the authority the Lord gave us for building you up, not tearing you down. I’m not ashamed of that. 9I don’t want you to think I’m trying to scare you with my letters. 10Some will say, “His letters are heavy and powerful, but his presence is not, and what he says is silly.” 11Just let them know that when we are there we will do exactly what our letters say we will do.
12Some people have the audacity to commend themselves, but we don’t dare to do that. When they compare themselves to others they are being rather silly. 13But we won’t go on about ourselves. We’ll stay with the task God has given us to reach out even as far away as you are. 14We weren’t overstepping our authority to come to you. Indeed, we were the first to bring the gospel of Christ to you. 15There is a limit to our pride in the labor of others, but we hope that as your faith grows, our work among you will expand as well. 15Then we will be able to share the gospel in lands beyond yours, and we won’t have to brag about the work others have done elsewhere. 17“Let those who boast, boast in the Lord.” 18There is no approval of those who put themselves forward, but only of those the Lord commends.
1-6: Paul is self-effacing here (uncharacteristically!). The harsh letter to which he referred earlier is completely out of character with his meek demeanor when he is face to face with them. He hints that if their offering does not reflect the generosity he thinks they should display he can come down hard on them, especially on those who are found to be wanting in the “obedience” of the church — that is, on those who don’t give generously.
7-11: He wants to be sure they understand that he can be as demanding in person as he is in his letters.
12-18: He will not bother to compare himself with those who commend themselves, declaring that such jockeying for position shows a lack of good faith. He, however, has authority that none of the others have in that he is the one who first brought the gospel to them. Furthermore, he intends to use his credentials with them as a springboard to other mission fields beyond. Paul was always looking ahead to the next frontier.
It is a good practice to examine our relationships from time to time, and to make some adjustments to the time we spend here and there so that we can be available when the Holy Spirit lays a task on our hearts.