The Word Made Fresh
(A psalm of David when he was in the Judean wilderness.)
1O God, you are my God and I look for you.
My soul thirsts and my body is weak searching for you
as if in a desert land where no water can be found.
2I have looked for you in the sanctuary,
to see your power and glory.
3Your never failing love is better than life,
and my words will lift up my praise for you.
4I will praise you my whole life long.
I will raise my hands and call your name.
5My soul is satisfied as though fed with rich foods,
and I lift up my voice to praise you with joy
6every time I think of you on my bed
and meditate on you during the night watches.
7For you have helped me,
and I sing for joy, protected beneath your wings.
8I cling to you with my life,
and I am lifted up by your right hand.
9But those who plot to kill me
will descend into the grave.
10They will perish by the sword,
as if they were prey for the jackals.
11But the king shall rejoice in the LORD,
and all his friends shall celebrate
because the mouths of those liars will be shut.
Superscription: the 50th “psalm of David.” The reference to the wilderness of Judah hearkens to the time before David became king, when he was an outlaw being pursued by King Saul.
1-8: A beautiful prayer of adoration filled with familiar sentiments: “My soul thirsts and my body is weak searching for you as if in a desert land where no water can be found” (verse 1). “My soul is satisfied as though fed with rich foods” (verse 5). “I think of you on my bed and meditate on you during the night watches” (verse 6). “I sing for joy, protected beneath your wings” (Verse 7).
9-11: It is almost a shame that now the psalm turns to concerns about “those who plot to kill me.” They will be punished, but the king (David?) will have reason to rejoice. There are two kinds of people in the world, he seems to be saying: those who swear by God in support of the king, and those who are liars.
Meditate on God when you go to bed at night. It is a good way to end the day. Think of ways God has been with you during the day, and your expectations for tomorrow and how God can prepare you.