The Word Made Fresh
1I urge you, therefore, because of God’s mercies, to give your bodies as living sacrifices so that you will be holy and acceptable to God. This is your true worship. 2Don’t be shaped by this world! Be transformed by the renewal of your minds so you can learn about God’s good and acceptable and perfect will for us. 3Through the grace God has given me I can tell all of you not to think too highly of yourselves. Instead, use the judgment God has given you through your faith. 4Each of us has a body, and our bodies have many parts, each of which has its own purpose. 5Therefore, we who are many are one body in Christ. And as individuals we belong to one another. 6We each have specific gifts based on the grace given to us. Your gift might be prophesy, in proportion to your faith; 7or ministry, or teaching. 8Or your gift may be encouragement, or perhaps generosity, or diligence, or compassion, or cheerfulness.
9Let your love be real. Hate evil. Cling to goodness. 10Love one another affectionately. Try to outdo one another in being honorable. 11Be earnest in zeal, ardent in spirit, and serve the Lord. 12Let hope bring you joy, may suffering give you patience, and be persistent in prayer. 13Support God’s people and give hospitality to strangers. 14Bless your persecutors, don’t curse them. 15Rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep. 16Live peacefully with one another. Don’t be proud and act superior, but befriend the humble. Don’t pretend to be wiser than you really are. 17Don’t try to repay evil for evil, but let everyone see you trying to do what is right. 18So far as possible, live peacefully with everyone. 19Don’t try to get back at those who wrong you, but let God’s wrath handle them. After all, it is written, “Vengeance is mine and I will repay, says the Lord.” 20Instead, if your enemies are hungry, feed them. If they are thirsty give them something to drink. When you respond to them like this, it’s like piling burning coals on their heads! 21Don’t be ruled by evil, but overcome evil with good.
1-2: In other words, beware of human nature and submit to the Spirit of Christ within you, for that is the only sure way to discern God’s will.
3-8: Don’t try to do everything. Accept the gift and responsibility given you for the good of the body regardless of how unimportant it may seem to you, whether it is prophecy, administration, teaching, encouraging, giving, leading, or caring for those in need.
9-21: The ideal Christian congregation is described. These verses ought to be memorized by every church member.
How we treat others is a witness to our faith.