The Word Made Fresh
1The LORD rules, robed in majesty and power.
The LORD created the world and will always be in charge.
2God’s kingdom is established from of old,
and God is everlasting.
3The heavy floods are rising, LORD,
and have lifted their voices with a roar!
4But even more majestic than the roar of mighty floods,
and even more majestic that the waves of the sea,
is the majesty of the LORD, who rules from on high.
5Your pronouncements, LORD, are certain to be fulfilled.
Your house is sacred, LORD and will be forevermore.
1-5: Psalms 93 and 95-99 are sometimes called “enthronement psalms.” Some scholars have suggested that they were to be used at the annual New Year (Yom Kippur) festival in which God was “crowned” and the rule of God was re-enacted. This psalm pictures God in the robes of a king, with the whole world, particularly the storm and the sea, celebrating God’s majesty.
God is more powerful and more beautiful than anything else in the universe. God is worthy to be praised and worshiped. So, praise God and worship God!