Hebrews 4

The Word Made Fresh

1Therefore, since the promise to enter his rest is still there, let’s be careful that none of us will appear to have failed to reach it. 2Yes, the good news came to us just as it came to them, but the message they heard was of no benefit to them because they weren’t together in faith with those who had listened. 3Only those who have believed enter God’s rest even though God had said, “In anger I swore, ‘they shall not enter my rest,’” for his work was completed when the world was created. 4About the seventh day it was written, “And God rested on the seventh day from all his works.” 5Again, as is written above, “They would not enter my rest.” 6God’s rest is there for some to enter, but those who heard the good news early on failed to enter because they were disobedient. 7So, a certain day was set much later through David, when it was said, “If you hear his voice today, do not let your hearts be hardened.” 8After all, if Joshua had given them rest God would have no need to speak later about another day. 9Therefore a sabbath rest is still there for God’s people 10because those who enter God’s rest can cease from their labors as God did. 11Then let us do everything we can to enter that rest, and may no one be denied because of disobedience such as theirs.

12We can be sure that God’s word is alive and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, dividing soul from spirit and joints from marrow. God’s word can judge the thoughts and aims of the heart. 13No creature is hidden from God. All are laid naked and bare in the eyes of the One to whom we must provide an accounting.

14So, since we have a great high priest who has gone through heaven – Jesus, God’s Son – let us cling tightly to our confession. 15After all, we don’t have a great high priest who can’t sympathize with our weaknesses, but we do have one who has been tempted as have we in every way, and yet is without sin. 16Thus we can boldly approach the throne of grace to receive mercy and grace to help us in every time of need.


1-11: Repeating quotes from the last chapter, the author moves on to focus on the concept of God’s rest, a reference to the new world to come, where God rules supreme and where sin and death are finally and forever vanquished. Since the people under Moses did not enter that new world (because they sinned), God’s “rest” is still out there as a prize to be won — another reason to “make every effort” to remain faithful.

12-13: God sees all. We already knew that, though, did we not?

14-16: Hold fast; approach the throne of grace with boldness to seek mercy and grace because we have a high priest in Jesus who has been through the same trials that we go through.


Whenever we pray for forgiveness we should also pray for guidance to help us avoid the same mistakes in the future.