The Word Made Fresh
1If any of you are involved in sinfulness, let those among you who live by the Spirit try to gently restore them. Be careful not to be tempted yourselves! 2Bear one another’s burdens; that’s one way in which you can follow the law of Christ. 3When people think they’re something when really they are nothing, they are only fooling themselves. 4Each one of you must test his or her own work. In that way, the work they do will be cause for pride, rather than the work someone else does. 5Each of you must carry your own burdens. 6lf you have been taught the word of God share every good thing with your teacher.
7Don’t let anyone deceive you. God is not mocked. You will reap what you sow. 8If you sow to receive something only for yourself, you will find yourself corrupted. But if you sow under the guidance of the Spirit, you will receive eternal life from the Spirit. 9Don’t ever grow weary of doing what is right. You will receive blessings at harvest time if you don’t give up. 10So, whenever you can, work for the benefit of everyone; especially for those who are part of the family of faith.
11See how big I make the letters when I write in my own hand!
12Those who want to look good are trying to force you to be circumcised because they’re afraid of being persecuted for the cross of Christ. 13They just want you to be circumcised so they can brag about succeeding in getting you to do it. 14I don’t ever want to brag on anything except the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ through whom the world has been crucified as far as I’m concerned, and I have been crucified with him as far as the world is concerned. 15Being circumcised or uncircumcised doesn’t matter, but a new creation approaching means everything. 16And as for those who agree with this, may peace and mercy be with them, and with the Israel of God.
17So, don’t let anyone dispute with me; I have branded on my body the marks of Jesus. 18May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you, friends.
1-5: Those who transgress are to be gently restored, taking care to avoid any temptation to join them in their transgression. In other words, don’t do what they do, but do take up the burden of correcting their mistakes, otherwise they might think more highly of themselves than they ought. On the other hand, don’t take pride if you succeed in their restoration; that is their victory, not yours. Be proud instead of what you yourself might accomplish.
6: This is one of those places where I picture Paul pacing back and forth, dictating the letter, and losing his train of thought for a moment to throw in something that just popped into his head. It is good advice, perhaps, but feels out of place.
7-10: Do what is right and work for the good of all — that is how one “sows to the Spirit.”
11: Paul concludes the letter with his own handwriting. Scholars love to speculate as to why he wrote with big letters. Some think his eyesight was poor. Some say his dependence on secretaries to whom he dictated resulted in his penmanship being so unpracticed that his handwriting resembled that of a child just beginning to learn to write.
12-16: A final swipe at the troublemakers who think they all should be circumcised.
17: And now, he says, don’t bother me anymore, please.
18: Finally, to emphasize the other main point of his letter, he prays the grace of Jesus Christ to be with their spirit.
Jewish Christians in the first century tried to turn converts in other lands (such as Galatia) into Jews as a steppingstone toward becoming followers of Christ. That’s what the circumcision issue is all about. Today we understand there is nothing standing in the way to our being born again except our need to accept the faith that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.