2 Corinthians 4

The Word Made Fresh

1So, since we participate in this ministry by the mercy of God, we are never discouraged. 2We renounce disgraceful things done in secret. We won’t be cunning, and we won’t twist God’s word, but in truth we give ourselves to everyone’s examination in the sight of God. 3Even if our good news is shrouded, it is only shrouded to those who are perishing. 4The “god” of this world has blinded those who refuse to believe, and they are kept from seeing the light, the good news of Christ’s glory, the image of God. 5God, who said, “Let light shine in the darkness,” has shone in our hearts to enlighten our knowledge of his glory in the face of Jesus Christ.

7But this treasure is kept in clay jars so it will be obvious that this awesome power doesn’t come from us, but from God. 8We are beset in every manner, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; 9persecuted but not forsaken; knocked down but not destroyed, 10always bearing the death of Jesus so that his life might be made visible in us. 11We are alive, but are always offering our lives for Jesus’ sake so that his life might be seen in us. 12So, death may be hovering over us, but not over you.

13We have the spirit of faith that is in the scriptures – “I believed, and so I spoke” – and we also believe and speak 14because we know the One who raised Jesus will also raise us with him and bring us and you into his presence. 15Of course, everything is being done for your sake so that grace may be given to more and more people and bring more thanksgiving to the glory of God.

16So, we’re not discouraged. Our bodies are wearing away, but our inner nature is renewed every day. 17We suffer but a slight and momentary affliction, for we are being prepared for an eternal gift of glory beyond measure 18because we don’t look only at what can be seen, but also at that which cannot be seen. What can be seen is only temporary, but that which cannot be seen is eternal.


1-6: Continuing with the image of Moses’ face being veiled because it shone with the glory of God, Paul asserts that he and Timothy (see 1:1) have not tried to veil the gospel. If there is anything hidden in the way he has presented the gospel it rests in the unbelief of those who refuse it. Just as Moses’ face reflected God’s glory, the gospel reflects the glory of Christ who in turn reflects the glory of God.

7-12: The “treasure” refers to the reflection of Christ in the gospel. The bearers of the gospel — Paul and Timothy — are not perfect reflectors, and so the power that enters the lives of those who believe does not come from them but from God. Indeed, bearing the gospel is an act of dying to oneself so that the recipients may have the gift of life.

13-18: Even so, the cost is worth the reward of eternal life with Christ, and the suffering he and Timothy endure is merely a “slight momentary affliction.” That which “can be seen” is temporary; that which “cannot be seen” is eternal.


Faith in God through Christ is a treasure that enriches our lives with blessings, and a treasure that cannot be taken from us.