1 Thessalonians 5

The Word Made Fresh

1Now there is no need to write to you about times and seasons, friends. 2You know very well already that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. 3While people are saying, “There is peace and safety,” sudden destruction will overtake them, just as the pains of labor overtake a pregnant woman, and there will be no way to escape. 4But you aren’t ignorant, friends, and that day won’t surprise you like a thief. 5You are children of light and of daylight; we are not children of the night or of darkness. 6So let’s not fall asleep like some others, but stay awake and remain sober. 7Sleepers sleep at night and drunkards get drunk at night. 8But we belong to the day, so stay sober and wear the armor of faith and love, and let the hope of salvation be our helmet. 9God hasn’t decided that we should be punished, but rather that we are saved through our Lord Jesus Christ, 10who died for us. So, we live with him, regardless of whether we are awake or asleep. 11Encourage one another, then, and continue to strengthen each other as you are already doing.

12Respect those among you whom the Lord has placed in charge to reprimand you. 13Hold them in high regard and show your love for them and the work they are doing. And be at peace with one another. 14We urge you, friends, to rebuke those who are lazy, and encourage the timid ones and help the weak. Be patient with all of them. 15Don’t let anyone repay evil for evil, but always look for ways to help one another. 16Always be glad. 17Pray continually. 18Be grateful in every circumstance. This is God’s will in Christ Jesus for you. 19Don’t stifle the spirit. 20Don’t hate the prophetic word, 21but do test everything and cling to whatever is good. 22Keep away from every kind of evil.

23And may the God of peace bless you and may your soul and spirit and body be sound and blameless when our Lord Jesus Christ comes. 24The one who calls you will do this, for he is faithful.

25Pray for us, friends. 26Greet every believer with a holy kiss. 27I charge you through the Lord that this letter be read to all the friends. 28And may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.


1-11: As to when the return of the Lord might happen Paul tells them what Jesus told the disciples, that the day of the Lord will come “like a thief in the night,” suddenly, without hint or warning. Their job is to live exemplary lives in the community and help each other.

12-22: He leaves them with some final instructions: honor the leaders of the church, avoid dissention, admonish the lazy ones, encourage the anxious, help the weak, be patient, do good to one another, rejoice, pray, give thanks, don’t “stifle the Spirit” (bureaucracy can do that) or despise those who prophesy, carefully check out everything you are told and hold on to what is good. And, by all means, avoid evil of every kind.

23-28: He ends the letter with a blessing for them and asks that they pray for him and his companions as well. He commands them to read the letter to everyone in the church and wishes the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ to be with them.


Honor the leaders of the church, avoid dissention, admonish the lazy ones, encourage the anxious, help the weak, be patient, do good to one another, rejoice, pray, give thanks, don’t ‘stifle the Spirit’ or despise those who prophesy, carefully check out everything you are told and hold on to what is good. And by all means avoid evil of every kind.” That’s a pretty good summary of what the Lord expects from the church.