The Word Made Fresh
1So, when we could no longer bear it we were willing to be left behind in Athens, 2and we sent Timothy, who is our brother and God’s servant in Christ’s good news, to teach you and help establish you in your faith. 3But let no one be moved by our afflictions. You know very well that this is to be our lot. 4When we were with you we told you that we would suffer torment, and that has happened, as you know. 5This is why I sought to know your faith, fearing that the tempter had somehow tempted you, and our work would be unsuccessful.
6But now Timothy has returned to us bringing the wonderful news of your faith and love, and telling us how you have remembered us fondly and long to see us again, as we long to see you. 7In all our distress and affliction, friends, we have been comforted because of your faith, 8and we can live if you stand firm in the faith. 9We can’t thank God enough for you and for all the joy we feel before God because of you. 10We pray fervently day and night that we will get to see you face to face and strengthen your faith.
11We are praying that God our Father and the Lord Jesus will make a way for us to come to you. 12And may the Lord help you to grow in love for one another and for everyone, just as we have grown in our love for you. 13And may he strengthen your hearts with holiness so that you will be without blame before our God and Father when our Lord Jesus comes with all his saints.
1-5: Paul, now in Athens and fearing the work he did in Thessalonica might be undone by the kind of persecution he himself had suffered there, sent Timothy back to Thessalonica to see how they fared.
6-10: Timothy has just brought back a good report and Paul’s gratitude and relief overflow.
11-13: He hopes to be able to return to them. Perhaps he did. On his last missionary journey, he traveled again through Macedonia to Greece following an altercation in Ephesus, and back through Macedonia on his way to Jerusalem (Acts 20:1-4). On that trip he was accompanied by two Thessalonians, Aristarcus and Secundus, which may indicate that he did indeed make it back to Thessalonica. Aristarchus traveled extensively with Paul and is mentioned as well to have been in prison with him (Colossians 4:10). Secundus is named nowhere else.
Our faith was given to us and nurtured by others. Take a moment to remember those special men and women who taught you and showed you what it means to have faith. Make a list of their names, and remember them in your prayers today.